I search for you, my splendid star
but in light of day you are nowhere to be foundthe sun will not let me see you—
his white light empty and austere—
in the blazing glare of summer
I burn with bitter thirst
the land lays brightly longing
the birds are but ghosts of heaven
singing their tormenting hymns
the flowers brilliantly despair
I cannot see you in the blinding daylight
but only in the darkness of my dreams
in the remotest depths of night
far from the dreary morrow
there, bright star, do I find you—
your light ever pure, ever sweet—
your enchanting silver love-glow
calling me tenderly across the void
guiding me toward my unseen home
your gentle gravity drawing me toward you
your ardent fire reflected in my eyes
you—my radiance, my bliss
I meet you in the morning mists
just before the cruel and careless dawn
where you, my resplendent and my glorious love,
grace me with your gleaming kiss
there, in the vale of oblivious shadows,
I adore your fairest, rarest face
and gaze into your love-dark eyes
and feel you quiver at my touch
there we lay in the longing moonlight
for a languid, languishing moment—
mourning the imminent passing
of the mythic, dreaming night
I awake, alas, in a city with no name
finding myself nowhere in the world
I walk the garden but do not see
the blossoms that sigh at your approach
nor hear the rapturous bluebird's song
that heralds your arrival
nor catch the fainting fragrance
of your miraculous presence on the earth
not here the perfume of orange in the spring
nor the pink and purple ecstasies of bursting forth azaleas
nor the balmy wind that blows the moss among the oaks
nor a sky as brilliant blue as the one above us together
nor the richness of the sunbeams that play upon your face
nor the soft and airy clouds that carry us to contentment
but only here the useless daylight
an emptiness by the lake
and the sweetness of your name
Steven Holland
July 30, 2014
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