Q u e e n o f M a y
a poem
On a May morn, I slept, I saw
The Mistress of the May
Queen of summer’s light
Brightness of the day
My heart was afire, my heart was aflame
For I looked upon she of the sweetest name
We crown thee with blossoms today—
Queen of the Angels
and Queen of the May!
Lullay, lullay
In the garden I lay
In the light of the light
In the bright of the bright
On the first bright morn
of May
I nodded—
I woke—
Or so it seemed—
Or may it be that I dreamed
Of the glorious Queen of May
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
Sumer is icumen in!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
Look at all the lovely maids
Bright flowers in their hair
Round and round the maypole go
The maidens of the May
The children laugh, the bluebird sings
On this morn of brilliant things
The maidens dance, the children play
We await our lovely Queen of May!
Bring flowers of the rarest
Bring flowers of the fairest
We crown thee with blossoms today
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May
I, the Poet, rise from slumber
To join the festive fair
My heart now alight with ardor
Her sweet perfume is on the air!
Sing a song of Maytime
Sing a song of spring
Flowers are in their beauty
Birds are on the wing
In the rare air of the bluebird’s grace
My heart is a holy fire
I sigh to see her splendorous face
Bright Queen of the world’s desire!
The May Queen, the May Queen
We love the May Queen
We come now you to greet
You see us at your feet
Flowers float upon the air
Girls dance in the dazzling sun
I tremble, I tremor, I faint
I long for the loveliest One
Queen of May, Queen of May
Our lovely Queen of May
We come to greet thee
And to crown thee
Glorious Queen of May!
The bluebird swoons somewhere above
Lost in the light of Heaven
Eternal! Enduring! Brilliant! Bright!
Princess of Summer and Queen of the Light!
I missed her in the morning
I missed her in the May
I saw her once in a verdant wood
Garbed in a gown of white
There she, the Summer Queen, stood
In burning beauty bright
Upon her fair head a fragrant crown—
The blossoms of the May-tree
Princess of the springtide
Queen of summer’s light
The birds of spring surround her
the vernal birds! their sparkling chirps!
Her eyes reflect the light of Love
the golden light
the glittering leaves
The bluebird sings above
All that is gold does not glitter
All that glitters is gold
The children laugh, hearts light with joy
As the matchless Maiden approacheth
Brightest Princess, Light of Day!
Here comes now the Queen of May!
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
Sumer is icumen in!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
She, the dazzling Damozel
Garbed in a gown of white
She, the Lady of the May
The Queen is now in sight!
Queen of May, Queen of May
O Brightness of the Day!
We come to greet thee
And we crown thee
Glorious Queen of May!
The children dance around her
They bring her flowers fair
The maids with love surround her
They place them in her hair
Bring flowers the rarest
Bring to the fairest
We crown thee with blossoms today
Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May!
My heart grows faint with longing
For the loveliest Queen of Heaven
She, elf-beautiful Queen!
All the world reflects her sheen
She, the Princess of the Light
She, the form of beauty bright
I missed her in the morning
I missed her in the May
I glimpsed her once by a glistening lake
Garbed in a gown of white
Noble swans sailed beside her
She was
Summer’s bright Queen, Lady of Light
I will be there to share forever
Blossoms of the orange adorned her hair
Their sweet perfume on the balmy air
I saw her at the dawn of the day
When all of life was May
You put the light in my life
I once drew near her, it seemed
Or may it be that I dreamed
I saw the light upon her face
Her radiance—her loveliness—her grace
She was
Daughter of the dawn
Brightness of the day
It's there when you call out my name
The day’s light begins to fade
Yet still I recall in the evening shade
The Lady of the Lovely Light
She of brilliant beauty bright
I once beheld her fairest face
On some lost and long ago day
When all of life was morning
When all of life was May
You'll wait a long time for me
You’ll wait a long time
And now no more is seen
My bright and brilliant Queen
Nevermore to see her sight
Lady of Love, Lady of Light
Darkness, do not take her away!
That ain’t no way to treat a lady
The Lady of the May
The music receding, the music now lost
Echoing sadly away
My heart is afire, my heart is aflame
For I looked upon she of the sweetest name
We crown her with blossoms today—
Queen of the Angels
and Queen of the May!
The flowers torment me
In their loveliness soft and fair
In the fragrance of their ardent love
The birds sing in the empty air!
In the dazzling brilliance of summer’s light
My heart dwells in bright despair
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
I woke, I wept
In the brightness of the day
For no more did I see
The Mistress of the May
My Lady—my Love—
My Bright and Brilliant Queen
I missed her in the morning
I missed her in the May
Sumer is icumen in!
Loudly sing, cuckoo!
Steven Holland
May 1, 2021
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